

ZAP Endurance Foundation (ZAP), founded in 2001, is a non-profit training center for post-collegiate, Olympic hopeful distance runners.

Its founders Andy Palmer and his wife Zika developed the program as a way to give back to the sport of distance running, a sport that played a significant role in both their lives.

Athletes in the ZAP Endurance program who have met our “Elite” standard receive:

  • Room and board at the ZAP Endurance Facility
  • Coaching
  • Monthly stipend of $600.00
  • Health insurance after 6 months
  • Travel expenses including: airfare, hotel, meet entry, and incidental expenses
  • Physiological testing and sports psychology consultation
  • Massage therapy
  • Financial bonuses based on time tier and Championships placing
  • 6-8 week Winter training camp

Athletes who have met the “Regional” Standard receive:

  • Coaching
  • Use of the ZAP Facility
  • Physiological Testing and Sport Psychology Consultation
  • Assistance in finding part time jobs
  • Small annual travel budget

Our Board

ZAP Endurance Foundation Executive Board:

President: Zika Palmer

Vice President: Jane Palmer

Secretary: Wayne Middlesteadt

Treasurer: Marty Wilson

Advisor: Ray Russell

ZAP Endurance Advisory Board:

Perry Julian

Candace Karu

Don Kardong

Dick MacDonald

Greg Meyer

Peter Millard

Cathy O’Brien

Bill Rodgers

Joan Samuelson

Andrea Capua