Hill Workouts for 4 Weeks

Incorporating hill workouts early in a training plan, before the specific phase of training begins, is a great way to build strength and improve efficiency.

That strength and economy provides a strong platform to build on in the final 10-12 weeks heading into a key race. With fall marathon training right around the corner, here are 4 hill workouts you can include in coming weeks to lay that groundwork for a strong training cycle:

Hill Workout 1

Finish a run with 8-10 x 30 second uphill repeats. Take 90sec walk/jog rest between each repeat. For all the repeats, including those in the following workouts, focus on running with good form above all else. For details see below Week 4.

Hill workouts are a staple of our training with the ZAP team.

Hill Workout 2

First run 4-6 x 20-30 sec uphill repeats with a very easy jog to the bottom between each and 3min rest after the final repeat. Then run 2-4 miles at marathon effort. Afterward take 4-5 minutes recovery before performing another 4-6 hill repeats the same way as you did to start. (See below for how to execute hill repeats)

Hill Workout 3

3-5 sets of (3 minutes at pace you could race at for 1 hour; 75sec easy jog; 3 x 25sec uphill strides with a very easy jog to the bottom between each and 75sec after #3; 2min at pace you could race at for 1 hour); take an easy 4min walk/jog between sets

Hill Workout 4

3-4 sets of (3 x 25sec uphill strides with a very easy jog to the bottom between each; 90sec rest after #3; 1 mile at half marathon pace); 4min easy jog between sets

*During the hills focus on staying tall in your torso, driving your knees forward, elbows back, and popping your feet powerfully off the ground. Speed isn’t important here, try to remain focused on staying smooth and relaxed throughout all the hills. Easing into the first 2-3 repeats will be especially valuable and allow you to progress through them.