On ZAP Endurance Team Update

Things continue to be relatively quiet here at ZAP as most members of the On ZAP Endurance team took some time to quarantine and then visit family over the holidays. As we build toward spring track and road races most of the team is focused on consistent base building. The racing schedule is still fluid, but with the way the running community pulled together to create opportunities in 2020 we are confident that the team will see racing in the first half of 2021. For some, the focus will be on qualifying for the Olympic Track and Field Trials, while others will focus on road races and marathons.

For the first time since 2003 the On ZAP Endurance team will forgo our annual winter training camp to Tallahassee, FL. Instead, the team has decided to stay closer to home and will be renting a house in Brevard, NC for 3 weeks from late January to mid-February.

In the absence of much to report on training and racing, we’d encourage you to check out Joanna’s latest writing project for Scienceline. She has written several articles for the website, but has recently begun a regular blog called “Novel Science” where she has combined two of her passions, writing and reading. The blog explores the science behind science fiction books and a fun read for anyone interested in Joanna’s writing or the concept of a sci-fi book blog.